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Basic Elements Incorporated in Hazard Awareness Training for Terminal Operators

West Coast Resource Services, Inc.

Terminal operators are the people responsible for a terminal's safe and efficient operation. They perform a wide range of duties, from supervising cranes to overseeing quality control at a warehouse. The information below discusses some of the basic elements that should be included in your hazardous awareness training as a terminal operator.

1. Hazards at Different Heights

This element of hazardous awareness training can keep your workers safe from injuries and workplace accidents. The terminal may have specific dangers associated with working there at every level. In some cases, this includes vehicle traffic close by or heavy machinery operated nearby. The ground level may be uneven or wet from the rain in other instances. Experts should thoroughly discuss the dangers at a particular level during hazardous awareness training.

2. Chemical Hazards

One of the biggest concerns for a terminal operator is the presence of dangerous chemicals in and around the space. These elements are typically regulated and recorded in advance to prevent risk due to lack of information or communication. The important thing to remember with hazardous chemicals is to make sure they are stored securely at all times.

3. Fire Safety

Fire prevention, detection, and suppression are important elements of a terminal operator's training course. Many devices on the market can be used to suppress fires in their early stages, including fire extinguishers and water hoses. It's also important for workers to know how to put out small fires using dry chemicals. Large fires are much more dangerous and should be handled by professional firefighters.

4. Derailment

One of the most obvious risks associated with a terminal is train derailment. This natural phenomenon is not only dangerous on its own – it can also lead to other problems in the area. Derailment is a safety concern that can be addressed during hazardous awareness training for terminal operators and should always be communicated to all employees, especially conductors and clerks.

5. Vehicle Accidents

It's not unusual for large vehicles to use a terminal as a pick-up or drop-off point. Truck accidents pose a much greater risk than train accidents because of their size and velocity. Train derailment is covered under this element as well.

6. Security Awareness

Security awareness is important for any worker who has to be on the terminal after dark or anyone who has to work alone at night. This includes safe practices such as using call boxes and communicating with other workers.

7. Working Alone

Working alone at night can be dangerous, and terminal operators should never do it without the proper precautions in place. One example of this is securing your vehicle so no one can get to it while you're working away from other people. Another example is a way to communicate with other people 24/7 in case of an emergency. These elements are important and should be included in hazardous awareness training for terminal operators.

When working on a terminal, the risk of injury always looms nearby. Hazardous awareness training can help you step back from this threat by giving you more information about the job itself. These seven elements are just a starting point and should be expanded upon as you see fit.

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